Thursday, September 13, 2007

Andromeda Ascendant

Im midway throught the first season of Andromeda the TV series starring Kevin Sorbo and Lexa doig. I have heard a lot of negative things about the show ranging from how bad the acting is, to how the script is straight out of a B movie. After watching it though, i really enjoyed the cheese factor and the overall feel of the show.

It's definitely a nice change of pace from the overly gloomy/heavy feel of battlestar galactica and other modern shows. Dont get me wrong, im a big BSG fan, however when i watch Andromeda, I feel as if im immersed in an old school comic book, where im a child again, racing through the stars trying to save the universe.

The show is about a captain and his starship being frozen in time in a stellar anomoly for 300 years. when they awaken, they find that the world they knew is no more as wars and violence has divided the once united commonwealth of star systems. Their goal is to once again rebuild the commonwealth, one planet at a time and in effect end the dark age (the long night) that currently plagues the universe.

If your looking for a show thats not too heavy, a bit campy, but a lot of fun to watch, then give it a try, you might just like it.

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